Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pool Myths You'll Be Shocked to Learn the Truth!


In the great world of pool ownership, many myths and urban legends circulate the pool community. Here is a few of the most popular untruthful myths that interrupt the pool community as a whole, the truth shall set you free!

Myth #1: You must wait an hour after eating before swimming.
Not entirely true. The idea that jumping in the pool immediately after eating will surely lead to a life-threatening cramp seems to have first showed up in an old-fashioned scouting manual from the early 20th century, Scouting for Boys. However the science is unsupported. There has never been a reported case of drowning due to a post meal cramp in the history of the United States.
In fact the action of swimming does focus the heart’s precious blood to the muscles and away from the stomach during swimming, which can make digestion difficult and even lead to cramping. The idea of being sunk by a turkey and cheese sandwich is exaggerated, to say the least.

Myth #2: There are pool chemicals that reveal urine in pool water. 
The fact is there aren’t any. No manufacturer has accomplished the goal to create a chemical additive that surrounds someone with a bright-colored proof to prove that you have a tinkler in your pool. Very funny concept, but only found in movies and television.
Still worried? Simply remove everyone out of your pool and shock it. Also, maybe you want to reevaluate some of your friendships.

Myth #3: That heavy chemical smell is an indication of a clean pool.
That smell you smell is actually the opposite. The correct way to have a disinfected pool has no strong chemical smell. That stinky odor common to many pools is actually due to chloramines. Chloramines are the byproducts of chlorine’s response to contaminants brought over by swimmers.

What do you contaminants include? Perspiration, urine, body oils and cosmetics, that’s just a few to name. The smell may indicate the need for more chemicals, usually more chlorine.

Myth #4: Chlorine gives people red-eye during swimming. 
When coming out of that pool we’ve experienced or at least seen those scary red angry eyes from the pool. The irritated red eyes are usually blamed on the overdose of chlorine in the pool, most of time that’s never the case.

What cases it then? Swimming pools can for sure provide irritations, the usual suspect is actually chloramines, a by-product of chlorine, it most likely comes from an under-chlorinated pool. Pools that sustain a normal level of chlorination will not cause such symptoms.

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